Tuesday, July 20, 2021

TPUSA f's Brandi Love

Brandi Love gets booted from conservative event

You can’t make this up.  Brandi Love, who is a famous pornstar, is actually a right-leaning person and a staunch Trump supporter.   Given she does a lot of interracial porn, I mean a lot, I find it amusing that she wants to be associated with the conservative crowd.  Despite her political leanings,  I am a fan of her...acting.  

Brandi Love went to a conservative convention in Florida.  She went around proudly posting pictures of herself at the event.  Well, the conservative people started to recognize her and the event people kicked her out.  You can’t make this up.  It also seems that some more far-righting-leaning racists started to complain about her appearance at the event, given she has sex with black guys.  At this point, to support the current party is a little misguided.

It seems very odd that these people support Trump and Trump banged a pornstar.  Yet, these same people have a problem with a pornstar at their event.  And, yes, Brandi Love and Stormy Daniels have done scenes together.  That means Trump fans are just a few steps removed from their savor. 

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