Saturday, July 03, 2021

Tour de France: Idiot with a sign: AKA Sign Lady



Yes, this woman caused one of the biggest pileups in the Tour de France event history.  This woman decided to show a makeshift sign to her grandmother.  A bicyclist hit her arm and went tumbling down, and it caused a house of cards.  It was messy. She stepped in front of the race as if she was taking a selfie.  Think of it like you taking a bottom can from a neatly stacked display and having the entire store collapsing.   She's the lady that drops your birthday cake.  


The story gets interesting.  The sign woman left the scene after the accident.  Then, she went on the run.  The police did catch her and De France people wanted to sue and press charges.  After a few days, the Tour de France folks dropped the lawsuit and charges.  Yet, I am reading reports that she is receiving charges from the PD. 


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