Thursday, July 08, 2021

Racist Edward doxxes himself and gets arrested. You dumb F'

Being a racist and being stupid never pays.  Basically, this guy went on a long racist meltdown against a black guy and went after the guy filming as well.  You can clearly see the racist guy step and try to get the black to hit him.  Anyway, the racist guy doxed himself on video and wanted people to show up at his house.  When the police arrested him, a huge crowd did show up and mocked him.  

This guy looks like a slightly chunkier Alex Jones.  Anyway, Chunky Style Alex Jones has had problems with people of color in is complex for a long time, it seems.  Does he need a hug or a cheeseburger?  

Side Note:  If I was the black guy in the video, I would have simply gone back into the house and closed the door.  Don’t confront stupid unless it enters your house.  

Guy is in his 40s but looks 60.  

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