Saturday, June 19, 2021

Jeffrey Toobin returns to Tubbing. Keeping his pimp hand strong, yo.



Guess who’s is back to work?  Jeffrey Toobin.  Toobin decided to take out his tube-snake and shake it off in front of his co-workers during a Zoom call.  People call it “pulling a DSP”.  I guess he wanted to “boomer it up” and leave his camera on.  And, why decide to jack between Zoom calls?  For some reason, CNN hired him back.   

Word of advice, you always check your camera before you jack it to Riley Reid videos.  I want to see the reaction afterward when he realized they were watching him squeeze one out?  Something about this guy just rubs me the wrong way, pun intended.  The fact Jeff didn’t want to claim a child he had with a mistress just seems like a rich guy move.   

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