Sunday, June 27, 2021

Crewman Cutler and Kellie Waymire


 I was going to leave a comment about Kellie on Lorerunner’s video about the reasons behind not using her character in Enterprise in later seasons.   While I don’t see eye to eye on everything Lore views Trek and other fiction, I admire his research into the things he reviews.  I am surprised he overlooked the fact that Cutler’s actress Kellie Waymire passed away of heart problems in 2003. She was an amazing actress with a lot of warmth to her roles.  It was a real shame to lose a talented woman like her at her peak of acting at the age of 36.   

 Despite Cutler being mentioned in seasons 2 and 3, I think Waymire was a bit too busy to show up for season two before her death.  Waymire played a major guest star on Six Feet Under.  From what I can find, Berman and the writers wanted her back and had a good relationship with the actress.  I think it was the right decision to not kill her off in season three given a lot of crew members on the ship get killed off.  They could have and they had an opening, some might have had problems with it.  (Think Princess Leia) 

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