Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Boogie2988 Has A Warrant Out For His Arrest

Boogie getting into trouble...

While I don't think Boogie will read this, I hope he will.  Boogie and I have been on the Internet for a long time.  While we are on different platforms, I used to identify with him.  I was one of the people that got angry with Anita when she attacked him backstage.  Heck, I even love that he destroy Mundane Matt.  But, he's been fucking up recently, and it has come back to bite him in the ass.  

A warrant for Boogie's arrest came to light a few days ago.  While I hate that a known troll showed up at his house, Boogie should have never come out of the house with that gun.  You don't let the trolls get the better of you, Boogie  You're a grown man and not a teenager.  When you introduce a gun to the mix, it changes everything. Instead of staying in the house and calling the cops, Boogie decided to fire a shot into the air.  Why?  Not only was there a witness, but two cameras filming it.  Then, Boogie made a video talking about the incident.  Again, why?  When you perform a criminal act, you don't talk, make a video, or write a tweet.  You shut the fuck up and let your lawyer deal with it.  

Time and time again, Boogie makes these stupid mistakes and makes a big deal by making a sad video about it  He pissed me off when he went into a scheme about tricking some trolls on Reddit.  I actually left a comment on the now-deleted video talking about it.  It seems people who make their living doing the job they love get into situations that are avoidable.  

Take it from a guy who works a job I hate, you're living the dream act like it.  Stop feeding the trolls and make content.  It is as simple as that.  It is really sad Boogie has turned in this mess.  I wonder if he’d be in a better way if he was still married?   

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