Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Twitter vs. Lindsay (Hot Dog Girl)


First off, Lindsay didn’t say anything wrong or racist.  It is the nature of Twitter that she got canceled.  Let’s not put it mildly though.  She helped create this cancel culture, which in turn feed on her.  Lindsay, Twitter is cancer, and you actually have a career in other fields.  You don’t need Twitter and should have learned from it.  When you went after QR. you should have known the “woke” crowd was going to come after you.  You’re too old and smart for Twitter and people were waiting to put you in your place.   

She does bring up the Mara Wilson thing.  When Lindsey was down, Wilson kicked her when she was down.  To be fair, Lindsay has burned a lot of bridges.  She did mention Moviebob and apologized to him, but not Quinton Reviews.  If I were QR, I’d be pissed.  Somewhere, MovieBlob thinks he has a chance to date her again.  

The only two problems I have with her video.  She mentions GamerGate four or five times.  Why does this stick in her crawl so much given it happened in 2014 and supports the theory that she was one of the Channel Awesome folks that wanted the site to take a stand?  While she did respond to the rape song, it was in bad taste given you were a victim.   

Away from her woke-Anita reviews, Lindsay has skills and is very entertaining.  The problem is she lets her ego get the way and attempting to placate that Twitter crowd.  Like me, you've been on the Internet for a long time.  You don't need their validation.  Just do your thing.  

Side Note:  Where were the Not So Awesome Channel crowd to defend her when she was canceled?  

No, Bob, your mere presence disgust people, and they won’t take one for the team for you.  Look here, most women find me hideous too.   

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