Friday, April 16, 2021

Let Me Tell Ya 'Bout White Chicks by Jack Baker



Yeah, I don’t remember this song being played on the radio.  For some reason, this adult movie popped in my head.  Mainly, it has to do with this movie being the big interracial movie at the time.  Is it problematic today?  Yes, but most porn is, right?   


The lead actor, Jack Baker. Actually had Hollywood roles in normal TV shows as well as being a pornstar.  Kind of strange.  He was even in Good Times.   


Damn, I can’t believe this flick came out back in 1984.  You had Robbie Dee, Kristie Duval,  Bubba the Black, Doobie Brown, and Fast Talking Sammy as some actors and actresses from the movie.  Duval, Dee, and Baker are the ones I remember.   


Why did a porn movie from the mid-80s pop in my head?   




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