Saturday, April 03, 2021

Judy Garland: About that blackface scene...oh, no




For some reason, this showed up in my suggestion feed.  Judy Garland in blackface and singing and acting foolish.  There are certain things that even I get shocked by how racist they are.  This is one of them.  I always saw Garland as the nice and wholesome woman in The Wizard of Oz.  I mean this shit is really terrible.   

This came from the 1938 movie Everybody Sing.  Even for the 1930s standards, this is bad.  From the droopy eyes, mix-matched socks, and the padded dress to give her girth, this is really offensive.  It seems no one ever talks about it from the blackface factor.  Why is that? 


It should be noted that Garland’s life wasn’t great during this time and was forced into doing these roles.  However, she came from a vaudeville background where these types of blackface stunts originated from.  And, Garland would later become an activist for equal rights during the 1960s marching with black performers.  However, I can’t get this image of her in blackface out of my head.   

From her Wiki page, ((On 28 August 1963, Garland and other prominent celebrities such as Josephine Baker, Sidney Poitier, Lena Horne, Paul Newman, Rita Moreno, and Sammy Davis, Jr. took part in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a demonstration organized to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. She had been photographed by the press in Los Angeles earlier in the month alongside Eartha Kitt, Marlon Brando, and Charlton Heston as they planned their participation in the march on the nation's capital.)) 

The clip below is from another movie.  

Nightmare fuel


I just sighed and shook my head.  We generally talk about miro-racism and subtle racism, but we forget this is real racism.  Not that Twitter shit we see today. 

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