Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Wayne's World says thanks. 89,151 times. | Eat Local | Uber Eats



That UberEats Wayne’s World commercial was just the tip of the iceberg.  I am really digging into the marketing of the service via its meme-friendly concepts.  I liked the Picard/Skywalker ones and then UberEats dug up the Wayne’s World concept and made it fun again.  


They brought back Mike Myers and Dana Carvey to reprise their roles.  Given the way things sort of ended coldly between Myers and Carvey, it is nice to see them put aside their differences.  The basic joke is a callback to the product placement joke from the first movie.   


Now, here is where things get stranger.  UberEats decided to thank all of the restaurants under its service.  Here’s the kicker, Wanye and Garth sit there watching the names as they scroll for about 2 and a half hours.  There are tons of things that happen during “this movie”.  And, Alice Cooper shows up twice.  Cooper is great.   

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