Sunday, January 24, 2021

Streamer yells at child over Madden f' up



There are times when you need to PUT THE Controller DOWN and fix your life.  Having lived in an abusive childhood, this hurt me a lot.  For once in a long time, Boogie and I agree on something.  If something isn’t changed, this child is going to grow up severely damaged and won’t have the mental tools to live a good life.  When you have parents that hate you, you will always be a step behind someone with a stable family.  There is a growing trend of streamer that need to put the game down and fix their failing life.  This streaming gig isn’t working for you.   


It reminded me of Mr. Dead Moth.   


When you have a man-bun, you’re in trouble.  Anyway, the streamer did delete his Twitch channel and went into Internet hiding. And, man-bun dude, you do realize there are controllers for literally 15-20 bucks.  You don’t have to use 300-dollar controllers.  Given Twitch bans people for saying the word simp, not sure Twitch hasn’t banned him though.   

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