Thursday, January 14, 2021

Racist man ends in a whimper.



I generally don’t care about the world anymore because I am so cynical.  However, I’ve always had a stance of leaving people alone to protest anything they want as long as it is peaceful.  I will call out the left and the right when you come in trying to steal a sign or attempt to start a fight.  This turd nugget is no different.   


These guys did a good job of maintaining a calm response to the redneck’s remarks.  They just kept staring at him as he lost steam and started to stumble on his own words.  He began with a bang and ended with a whimper.  The redneck waddles away unfulfilled and confused.   


The silver lining to the story is that John, the redneck, lost his job.  While I would have suspended him with no pay, the company he worked for fired his ass.  I would have forced him to take some anger management and counseling classes.  My thing is why even bother confronting these people?  You have no skin in this game.   


It is more sad than funny to see him self-destruct like this.   

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