Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Gentile in the night: A POS returns to the world.



Michael Gentile got arrested way back in 2015 on Hansen vs. Predator. Well, Gentile, who was one of the viler preds, got released this year and he is looking bad.  It looks like he lost a lot of weight and is looking more Middle-Earth than anything else.  Damn, the prison was hard on him.   When you are a child predator or killer, your time in prison is very harsh.  It is actually worse than normal inmates.   

F' he looks bad!

He received more years due to his CP kind of like Dustin.  I find that interesting because Sokol and a few of the other predators got out a few years earlier than Gentile.  He got 4 ½ years.  The good news is he will be on the RSO list and he has to take sex counseling classes.   

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