Friday, January 01, 2021

Congo-line Spread



A bunch of unmasked overweight and old people dance in a poorly conceived congo line and a bunch of them got Covid-19.  How’s that for irony?  I also find it interesting they choose the Bee Gees’ as their song of choice.  Uh, that group was heavily into smoking weed.  It is also painful to watch a bunch of rich white people try to dance, thus supporting the stereotype of certain groups not being able to dance.   

Well, a bunch of people from this lame-ass party are now testing positive for Covid.  James Trent got the bug and was one of the leaders of this event.  Real smooth, asshole.   

Did anyone learn from the death of Herman Cain?   Trust me, I hate the lockdowns but we need to have common sense too.  Less restrictions also mean you need to stop spreading it yourself.  Less government intervention means be smarter about your choices.  

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