Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Stop, just stop


Note to that obsessive Spoony fan that everyone is talking about on the Internet.  I wasn’t going to try to blow up her spot, but it is getting out of hand and she needs to read this.  


When Spoony lashes out at you like this, you should move on.  You need to stop @Spoony in every freaking post because he doesn’t care about you.  You put so much energy in a pathetic man that doesn’t even care about his wellbeing let alone his fans.  Also, I think he doesn’t see himself as being on the same level as you.  He thinks he’s too good to get a regular 9-5 job and he clearly views his fans as plebs.  Take this advice from me, and I have millions of flaws.  Work on yourself and stop obsessing over one person or thing.  


You need to move on and stop worrying about him.  He’s a lost cause.  You are not.   


The man still has 93 supporters on Patreon and 251 dollars.   

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