Thursday, December 31, 2020

Shives: Have Wife, Will leave.


Yes, ladies, he IS single and has a lifetime supply of soy milk.  

Male feminist turns out to be a pussy-hounding fend that drops his woke-wife of 10 years.  Sounds familiar and we’re not talking about Peter Coffin.   It should be noted that I think marriage is a huge mistake, to begin with.  However, if you take the plunge, you really need to work at fixing it because it is no longer just your feelings that matter.  


I usually don’t spill too much tea, as the kids say, but this Steve Shives thing is getting interesting.  While sometimes Shives had has okay takes, Shives is an annoying self-righteous prick.  Given he hasn’t been interesting in years, this new divorce saga is great.  Despite the fact I am not subbed to his channel, YT suggested his announcement.  While I will give him credit for not publishing his divorce on Twitter, I can’t help but smirk a bit because he viewed himself as a male feminist.  And, we know how male feminists turn out to be assholes.   He was the saggy white knight no one needed.  


This quote piqued my interest.  ((I won't go into details regarding the reasons for our separation, but it suffices to say that it resulted from my poor choices, not hers.)) 


I was like, I wonder if Kiwi Farms have made the connecting dots.   Allegedly, they have discovered some older posts by his soon to be ex-wife.  Heck, even the 15-10 years adds up.  She claims he cheated on her with a content creator that actually showed up on their channel recently.  Trust me, she is mentioning all kinds of shit about him.  I won’t put the “other woman” out there.   


If were Miss Shives, I’d look into getting half of the YT ad revenue.  However, Shives made enough money that she didn’t have to work for 8 years and now she has to go back to the job market.  Ouch.  Damn, Shives, you weren’t that interesting back during 2014-15.   

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