Thursday, December 10, 2020

Radio Waves into space...


One of the best scenes I've ever seen was the scene from the movie Contact. We get to hear the modern radio and TV signals from Earth. The movie then pulls back and we get to hear the various tunes and news shows from being broadcasted out into space. It's a great visual treat showing how far our signals have gone. By the way, you can hear the beeping from morris code. The about the movie is our radio waves are out there further than depicted.  

Well, I was looking through the comment section of the video above and someone pointed to a modern take on the scene from Contact. The site is called Light-Year FM.  This site took the time to show where songs of each era are located within our galaxy.  Make sure to play around with the site and move around the light-year gauge to hear where our music is being broadcast to.  

It is a little disturbing to know that our signals have been broadcasted outward to somewhere around 7-8K stars. If someone had enough of a strong enough receiver and hearing on the right frequency on another planet, they'd learn a lot about us. Could they track us back to our planet? Interesting, isn't it?

Even when our human race dies out or when Earth is gone, our radio waves will be still out there. When our solar system is long gone and new stars are formed from its explosion, our radio signals will be out there floating around forever.  I find that to be cool.

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