Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Denny's employee peaces out


This is one of the best meltdowns I’ve ever seen recently.  You got these assholes coming in and trying to make a scene with their anti-mask shit.  The waitress can’t take it anymore and she quits.  I can’t blame her.  Actually, management should be dealing with these asshats from the start and just call the damn police on them.  This is a bit of a failure on management’s part.   

I had to deal with one of these guys back in the summer and just let him ramble on about the government posing us with the virus.  Don't argue just avoid.  In this case, she had no choice but to interact with these people because it is her job.  

And, yes.  That is the Mannequin song in the background.  Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now.   

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