Sunday, November 01, 2020

Not again...


Damn it, Zoe.  I was honestly going to leave her alone until more news of her abandoned VG project came out.   Then, this happened.  


Zoe, I really didn’t want to bring you up again, but you angered me again.  I was hoping we just see Zoe fade away like Anita.  Instead of finishing that 85K FMV video game she crowd-funded, she’s on Twitter spazzing out about some new GG e-sports comedy movie.  Given it is supported by like-minded people, I guess she is pissed because they’re not paying her.   


If you want to move on from GG, stop talking about it.  Start finishing projects that will focus on other things.  Complete that damn Chuck Tingle game, Zoe.  You’ve burned so many allied bridges that you’re not going to get the same support you had back in 2014.  It is about the content you create and not how much you tweet and complain about 2014.   Things are very different and more deadly now.  

And, yes, you're correct.  We got bigger things to worry about than "harassment of women in gaming"  and "sex for reviews" when we are very close to mass outbreaks of the beer virus, people out of work, and riots/shooting when the election happens.  Sorry, You don't matter that much anymore.  

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