Friday, October 16, 2020

MovieBob has been fired from Escapist...again.




Instead of creating worthwhile content, MovieBob spent hundreds of hours complaining about everything.  Back in 2014, Bob sort of lost himself to GG and won’t stop talking about everything forgetting he was a content creator and not a professional Tweeter.  Keep in mind Escapist did fire him during his GG days, but hired him back.  For some reason, they held their noses for all those years.  I guess the Cutest defending and de-platforming thing was the final straw.  The man would not shut up for one second.     


When he is not spouting Fem Freq’s talking points, MovieBob can be an okay guy with some interesting takes on things.  At some point, he went from being a white knight to hating everyone that didn’t have a college education.  This whole destroying your life over tweeting and fighting people online is a new sickness that I have never seen before.  Since Trump, I’ve watched these lonely men destroy their lives to get bragging point a social media instead of doing their job and creating content.  MovieBob is the latest victim.   


I just hope this is a learning experience for Bob to grow as a creator/reviewer less about his dogmatic politics.  F’ it.  He won’t learn and will just keep shitposting on Twitter.   

BTW, he made a vague statement.

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