Saturday, September 12, 2020

Cuties: Burn this, now.


This is very strange...stupid.  Yes, this is probably one of the creepiest videos I've seen and I watch a lot of To Catch a Predator.  Look here, look, listen, I support your right to free speech, but this is harmful to speak about.  This is very dangerous and the wrong groups, who are organized, will take this video as a way to support normalizing this behavior.   

The clips are disgusting.  Sorry, dude.  It should be noted that his video has been downvoted 11K to 250 upvotes.  


Taken from his channel, ((Hey guys--as I have said elsewhere on the channel, I don't support pedophilia or child molestation. I do support looking inward at the darkest parts of yourself. This video and this channel are not supposed to make me look good.)) 

I believe you should take this down.  It isn’t because of censorship, but someone could use this against you in a court of law.  Looking inward doesn’t make sense in this context and your stance does support pedo’s beliefs.  You’re on dangerous ground, dude.  Yes, this video doesn’t make you look good at all.  11-12 is still too young for any of that shit on any level.  There is the concept of joking and mocking things like pedos and their beliefs, but you’ve gone way beyond that.  Looking at an 11-12 in a sexual manner is not right...period.   

There is no arousal when I watch those clips and I have a sense of disgust and anger that you don't see that.  Being an adult is being an adult and a child is a child.  Plain and simple.  

BTW, why is Netflix doubling down?  Yes, I saw the clip of the 11-12-year-old twerking for a fully grown man.  I saw the poster and I can’t bring myself to watch the movie objectively so I can pass my own judgment on it.  Having studied the grooming and the methods of predators, it is not right to watch this film.  This is clearly a way to normalize sexualizing minors.   

People don’t understand one of the reasons urban areas and towns are the way they are is because sexual predators prey on young children and those kids grow up being damage and cause harm to other people via drug use and becoming predators themselves.  If you want to give people a chance to rebuild their local areas, these predators have to be brought to light and victims treated.  We should not be making movies like Cuties.   

Wait until you are 18 for goodness sake.  I am probably going to have way more to say about this.   

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