Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Boogie's gotta a gun...


Let it be known that Frank Hassle is a POS, but Boogie’s reaction is way over the top with the gun.   Don't go to someone's house unless you want an ass-beating or a bullet in the ass.  But, you have to have cooler heads when dealing with people at your doorstep.  

At this point, the entire Internet should just ignore Boogie and leave him alone.  Given he pulled a gun and fired a warning shot at an Internet troll at his doorstep shows that he is unstable.  Instead of calling the cops, Boogie decided to pull out a gun and shoot at the fool.  Given how fragile he is, Boogie probably shouldn’t own a gun right now.  I had hoped that he would improve in himself and “git good”, but that isn’t going to happen.  He is too consumed with Internet drama and social media to be a good content creator anymore.  

Boogie needs help and I hope he reads this, but he won't.  Dude, I've been a content creator just like you for 15 years.  It is hard to maintain in the face of new platforms and people, but you've done it.  Now, you're letting the rest of the world destroys by you reacting to it.  Stop letting the haters rule your life and stop talking to everyone that has something negative to say about you.  It is time to walk away for a few months and actually seek help.  


Let the memes flow...I guess. 


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