Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Picard and Skywalker (Joker and Professor X)



Congrats, Uber Eats, I love these commercials.  Seeing Patrick Stewart and Mark Hamil together is a rare treat.  Hamil wasn’t always happy with the Star Trek camp.  When Lucas was farming out his FX company ILM to the Star Trek movies, Hamil didn’t like it and felt it was “helping the other team”.  Lucas didn’t see it that way.   Lucas viewed it as a way to make the entire industry better.  Keep in mind that ILM did their test runs on FX through the Trek movies and brought those effects over to Star Wars.  It should also be noted that ILM gets credit for stock footage from the pilot episode of TNG because they did the FX for the two-hour episode. 

Stewart kind of wanted to distance himself from his Trek background after TNG ended, but sort of embraced it once he started playing in the X-Men universe.  Both Hamil and Stwart have played key roles in comic books (Joker and Professor X) and played big roles in franchises with the name Star.  It is always good to see the actors of both franchises make fun of the rivalry.   

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Boogie's gotta a gun...


Let it be known that Frank Hassle is a POS, but Boogie’s reaction is way over the top with the gun.   Don't go to someone's house unless you want an ass-beating or a bullet in the ass.  But, you have to have cooler heads when dealing with people at your doorstep.  

At this point, the entire Internet should just ignore Boogie and leave him alone.  Given he pulled a gun and fired a warning shot at an Internet troll at his doorstep shows that he is unstable.  Instead of calling the cops, Boogie decided to pull out a gun and shoot at the fool.  Given how fragile he is, Boogie probably shouldn’t own a gun right now.  I had hoped that he would improve in himself and “git good”, but that isn’t going to happen.  He is too consumed with Internet drama and social media to be a good content creator anymore.  

Boogie needs help and I hope he reads this, but he won't.  Dude, I've been a content creator just like you for 15 years.  It is hard to maintain in the face of new platforms and people, but you've done it.  Now, you're letting the rest of the world destroys by you reacting to it.  Stop letting the haters rule your life and stop talking to everyone that has something negative to say about you.  It is time to walk away for a few months and actually seek help.  


Let the memes flow...I guess. 


Monday, September 28, 2020

If this was my boss, I'd quit.


Yes, this is a general manager for a large company.  Not only does he look like he lives in a cave and comes out to bushwhack people, but he also can’t even bother to stop chewing his gum.  You’re in a legal proceeding so stop chewing.  Please stop chewing the gum. Did the man even shower and wash his hair this morning?  Jimmy John’s really should have picked someone else to show up for this case.   

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Well, this is getting bad


I’ve been following Spoony’s downfall for while now.  He’s decided to make his decline public via Twitter and it is a sad thing to watch.  I’m not here to make fun of him like DSP or Wings.  He actually had talent but destroyed everything himself.   

To be honest, he did it to himself.  He obsessed over Trump and Twitter so much that he ignored everything around him.  The fact that his close friend came out as a sexual predator who committed suicide.  You know the JewWario thing.  He claims his downward spiral came after JewWario self-deleted himself but refuses to talk about the rape allegations about his so-called friend. 

Despite him being forced to leave his house, I was hoping this was the turning point for Spoony.   I had hoped that he’d stop tweeting and get better. Then, a recent stream came out with Spoony.  And, he is looking horrible and more ghoul than man now.  Damn, he ain’t looking good at all.  He looks even more bloated and pale.  While I hated his former GF, I can see why she finally left him.  Damnit, not even an SJW like her could bare the shitshow that is Spoony today.   

While he doesn't take criticism well, I hope he reads this.  When you move back to Arizona, Spoony, it is time to stop tweeting and get some help and get another job.  It is time to walk away from social media and work on your writing.  It is time to patch things up with your family.  It is time to go outside for a walk.  It is time to clean up and work on yourself.  Take from me a person that has some of the same problems as you.   

Update:  As I write this, he's tweeting about Trump.  Sigh.  

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Perceptor and Chris Chan


I left a comment on a Chris Chan commentary videoIn the video, Gibi mentioned a character named Perceptor SonichuGiven Chris references Transformers a lot in his comics and he really likes the TF movie from the 80s, I believe this super-smart character is a reference to Perceptor from the Transformers series.  He was a scientist that transformed into a microscope.  It was actually a real microscope for the toy too. 

Did you know that had a sex change in one episode?  

Perceptor becomes a “human-sized robotic geisha girl” in the episode The Face of the Nijika.  Perceptor doesn’t really seem to care too much that he’s been forced into a geisha girl and takes to it pretty well too.  I guess Perceptor really wanted to be a human-sized geisha.  WTF, Transformers?  As a kid, I found this episode very strange and a bit of Star Trek feel to it.  Sometimes TF and GI Joe would have some strange things in them.  

This really happened on the show.  It makes no sense, but it did happen. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Police Chief trolls Tea Party




Basically, this police chief was having a good old flame war with some Tea Party trolls back in 2014.  Do you remember when the Tea Party was a thing?  Now, they’ve morphed into armed militias.  Anyway, this police chief decided to post Tea Party leader’s personal info into porn and insurance scams.  The police chief signed him up for gay porn sites as well.  Let’s just say the Tea Party dude was getting some interesting responses in his inbox for people wanting to get “in his box”.   

He was just doing an old school trolling.  I am not sure why a police chief wanted to go the 4chan route because it got him in a lot of trouble and he gained some charges.  And, look, I understand the tactics.  When you want to get rid of some asshat right-wingers, you throw gay porn at them.  It’s their kryptonite.  While it is funny to know that a boomer trolled these Tea Party folks, Kelemen really shouldn’t do something like this when you are a police officer...let alone the freaking chief.  That brings it to a whole new level.  

Well, Police Chief Tim Kelemen made a plea deal with the prosecutors to keep out trouble and Tim ended up "retiring" from the department.  What a strange story.