Friday, August 14, 2020

TCAP: The Bart Simpson Predo


Despite showing up on TCAP and bringing Twisted Green Apple and DVDs of 40-Year-Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers for a minor, this Bart Simpson asshole got married.  Not only did he get married, but he married someone far above his class in looks Yet, how does a man on the CA sex offender list trick a grown woman into marrying him?   

I always liked watching his interview with Hansen because there is a hint of anger broiling below the Bart Simpson surface.  He tries to play it off as much as possible during the Hansen interview, but he clearly wants to beat Hansen’s ass.  People forget this bloated Bart Simpson wanted to get with a 12-year-old.  For him, he spent six months in prison.  Keep in mind a 12-year-old is in grade 7.   

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