Friday, August 21, 2020

Red light, Greer light


I swear to you that I really am not picking on Russell but he keeps doing stupid things over and over again.  Despite having an online harassment trial hanging over his head, he keeps leaving comments on women’s photos.  His lawyer needs to tell him to walk away from social media and STFU until the trial is over.   

Anyway, I guess Rusty decided he wanted to throw his goblin ideas into the hot button topic of BLM.  There is always this hint of racism in Rusty’s comments.  Whenever someone mentions black rights, Russ rears his ugly and makes a stupid comment.  He gets flak from it and retreats back into his safe space.  When you make a hot take, expect people to counter your stance, Russ.  Don’t hide under the tree of harassment.   

Russ, I know you think I hate you.  Uh, okay, I DO hate you, but that’s not the point.  You are at an impasse in your life and it is time to make some changes.  The things you are doing aren’t helping you.  It is time to seek long-term treatment, from the court, and stop trying to sue everyone and everything.  It is only hurting you.   If you’re going to “get serious” about your music, then get serious about it and stop dicking around on social media trying to find 9-10s to bother.  If you spent the amount of time with legal threats and bothering women as you did with your dream job, then your music would improve a great deal.  You still have some lyric and structure problems with your songs.  Despite doing stupid and dumb things, I want you to get get good. 


Oh, and, Russ, this is all just my opinion and not fact.  So, don’t threaten me with lawsuits.   

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