Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My thoughts on Chris Watts

In some ways, I've been called heartless and cold.  I don't have a range of emotions due to my history.  Showing emotion is a weakness.  Many people have said that about Chris Watts too.  But, he took it a step further with his actions.  

Finding out that Watts was checking his phone for stupid things and trying to sell his house after brutally murdering and deposing of his family is beyond having few emotions.  He just deleted his family and moved on as if it was a new chapter in his life.  Keep in mind that he killed his entire family, threw his wife in a shallow grave, and shoved his daughters into oil tanks.  What a piece of shit and a coward.   

He didn’t like his family and found a new woman in his life, so he threw them away.  Despite his claims, it will never bother him and he will sit in prison believing that he did the right thing.  Now, I could get into how horrible his family is and helped create this monster, but that is for another post.   

For Watts, he wasn’t man enough to simply divorce his wife and move on.  And, tried to lie, lie, lie about everything including his newest confession.  

While I don't believe in hell or heaven, I would convert just to see you burn in hell.  Prison is too good for you. 


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