Tuesday, July 28, 2020

United States Space Force

Gentlemen, behold the new Space Force logo... 


Why does this Space Force logo look familiar?  That is because it is a slightly different delta shield of the Star Fleet logo from Star Trek.  Really, dude?  There is a strange reality connection to Trek.  

The first shuttle was the Enterprise due to fans writing into NASA and demanding the shuttle be called Enterprise.  The kicker is shuttle Enterprise was more of a test shuttle that never entered true space.  Plus, the shuttle looked different than the later model design of the actual space shuttle line.  The cast of TOS Star Trek showed up for the rolling out of the new space shuttle design.  On the flip side, the hull plating of the real-life space shuttles was incorporated into the design of the revamped Enterprise model for Star Trek TMP and designed into all versions of the Enterprise.   

So, the real-life and art of Trek switch all the time.   

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