Thursday, July 02, 2020

The Last of Jedi 2

Rian’s Tweet, ((“Lucas made a gorgeous 7 hour long movie for children about how entitlement and fear of loss turns good people into fascists, and did it while spearheading nearly every technical sea change in modern filmmaking of the past 30 years.”)) 
For me, I would have just kept quiet.  Rian directed a Star Wars movie and shut up about your opinions.  You get to do the thing most people aren’t able to do.  You get to do a job you’ve dreamed of doing.  It was a bit of a backhanded attack against fans or that was the way I read it.  That’s part of the problem with having comments and dialogue on Twitter.  If anything, I believe the Last Jedi felt more like a prequel movie than Force Awakens.  Plot elements making sense were taken to the background and political ideas were at the forefront.  Some of the elements of goofy stuff from the prequels made it into Last Jedi.   
I like how he added the "entitlement" word with mixing with fascists.  It does seem Rian tried to measure every word with some thinly hinted insult to the SW fans.  We get it you didn't like the blowback from fans.  Get over it, Rian.  You get to make movies.  

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