Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Mary Kay Letourneau Dead at 58 : Remember her?

Talk about a blast from the past.  People forget that Vili was 12 years old and was a student under Mary Kay.  They “fell” in love and were banging each other in the down-low.  Given the state of our views of MeToo, it is ironic that Mary Kay ended up back in the news today with her death.  She was the Model-A of “hot/white” teachers falling in love with their students and getting caught.   
After getting knocked up by her 12-year-old student, Mary ended up being charged and convicted of jail time for 3 months.  After getting caught banging her student and getting knocked up again, she went back to prison for 7 years.  The victim and teacher ended up getting married...for 14 years.  WTF?  Last year, Vili Fualaau finally divorced her and realized some of the issues of their relationship.  He doesn’t seem to understand that you don’t have a choice when you’re 12 and the person is an adult.  While Vili claims he was no victim, that still makes you a victim.   
Well, this horrible and crazy lady died of cancer on July 6.  I really don’t have much to say about that because she had no regrets for doing what she did.  I really hate her and the world is a better place for it.  I am sorry, but it is true.  I can’t feel sorry for her because she went to her grave believing what she did wasn’t wrong.   
What is interesting about May Kay’s family history is that her father was a GOP state senator and was caught up in a major sex scandal himself.  He was banging a mistress and got her knocked up...twice.  (Carla Stuckle) 
From her wiki, ((when it was revealed that he had fathered two children out of wedlock during an affair with a mistress, a former student at Santa Ana College, where he had taught political science.[13] Her father's affair caused Letourneau's parents to separate, but they later reconciled.[7][14])) 
So, Mary Kay has two extra siblings.  Get this; her father refused to take custody of her half-brothers, from his extramarital affair, after the mistress/mother died.  He never took care of these kids at the ages of 11-13.   His children from the mistress went to an orphanage instead...parentless despite their father being a wealthy senator.  What an asshole and I am glad he is dead.  This incident probably is what broke her and made her a rapist later in life.  She is really loopy, stupid, and entitled.   
Given the 20+ years, I still hate this woman.  

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