Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Filip Miucin Returns

Somehow, Filip had made IGN look like good guys.  Plus, he’s made people on all sides of the gaming community come together and hate him and just him.   
Filip, just stop with all this shit.  He came back to the Internet and did this strange follow up video to the review he plagiarized back two years ago.  The problem I have is that Filip keeps trying to go to the well and draw attention to his mistakes.  You’ve already made an apology a year ago, so either stop talking about it or just do something else.  People have moved on and forgotten about you.  You could have redeemed yourself by moving on.   
Did I mention that Filip tried to copy-strike channels discussing the first incident two years ago?  Stop talking on Twitter and create content and stop arguing with journos.  Just move on and do your job.  Twitter is not your job but game reviews.  It is all about the games, stupid.  

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