Thursday, July 16, 2020


Yes, this happened not too far from my house.  Lake Forest is a very rich subdivision and I went to school with many of the movers and shakers at the high school down the street.  Allegedly, a woman named Suzanne Craft began to harass an interracial family nearby.  After that, strange things started happening to the family's property.  They even caught her, allegedly, spraying swastikas on their driveway late at night.   
When a court tells to you show up for an appearance, you must show up.  Craft didn’t bother and ignored it.  Then the court ordered her arrest and they did.  It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor because people are stupid.  No family should be subjected to this racism.  What a stupid c-word.   
I wish I could get a mugshot.  

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