Monday, July 06, 2020

Angry Joe: Keep your eyes open.

Angry Joe, you just don’t understand that they’re aiming for you now.  You are on their list and they want to de-platform you.  Not only did Joe stand his ground against sexual assault accusations but you spoke your mind about The Last of Us 2.  Despite the fact you defended many of them in the past, You are now the enemy because you were so vocal.  They will drag your name through the dirt and call you a GG supporter.  They are going to come at you sideways.   

I find it interesting that someone decides to dig up the GG tag and tie it to Angry Joe.  I guess since the MeToo stuff didn’t stick, they’re trying to connect him to GG.  The problem is Joe bent over backward to support Anita and Quinn.   They might let it rest for a while, but they'll come after you again to shut you up.  Don't take any sides and just be you, Joe.  Keep defending yourself.   

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