Saturday, June 06, 2020

Bike Tyson AKA Douche Bag AKA Anthony Brennan III

What do we call a male Karen? A Darren?   
People have been calling this slightly out of shape cyclists as Bike Tyson.  The big man of the bike trail didn’t like that some teenagers were putting up protest flyers in his precious bike trail and argued and harrassed the three folks.  He even tried taking the flyers away from the teens.  He then walks up on one of the teenage girls.  He even waddles over to one of the little girls and touches her.  Bike Tyson, if I would have seen you do that in person, touching a little girl like that, you would be wearing the bicycle...up your ass.  Then, he gets even madder when he realizes he’s being recorded.  You can even hear him demanding the cell phone.   
Anyway, Bike Tyson turned himself in to cops and has lawyered up.  He’s being charged with second-degree assault.  Claiming he was preventing riots, he ended causing violence himself.  While I have my own problems with BLM, I find it interesting that people that preach “All lives matter” then proceed to attack people they don’t agree with. Bike Tyson claims he’s remorseful.  I am guessing he was shocked that the police actually arrested him given he’s white and rich.   

We are now so divided that some teenage girl putting up a sign triggers someone to act a fool.   Where is the middle ground or moderation?  

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