Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Anrgy Joe and the Me Too crap

The white girl goes after a man of color for clout.  Hmm, why does this sound and look like a Karen move?   Make sure to check out her take on the incident
From what I can tell, this woman tried to pull a Zoe Quinn on Angry Joe and make up a story to ruin him because things didn’t work out the way she wanted them to.  I could be wrong, but Joe is a horny, yet lame, dude, but nothing really happened.  It is good to see Joe lawyer the f’ up and go after this Karen.  In the end, it just makes Joe appear lamer and dumber than anything else.  I see no JewWario stuff behind this story.   
Thankfully, Queen of Feeders is taking a break from social media.  Hopefully, she is lawyering up to and not making stupid comments on twitter.  If something bad happened, let the battle happen in the battleground of the courtroom.   When you don't let the courts decide the facts and allegations, you get Alec Holowka's fate.  If things aren't adding up, Joe is going about it the right way.  Trust me, I hate the fact we have to use lawyers to clean things up now, but that is where we are.  

Side Note:  Where are the Channel Awesome guys to support Joe?  
Side Note II:  While it doesn't feel it all the time, I am thankful I never got involved in the hookup culture.  Hell, not being on a single date for two decades seems like a wise choice.   People can't hashtag me of being cheap and not paying for their fries or something.  So, being a loser some times works out for you.  

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