Monday, May 04, 2020

Son of the Mask: Shut up.

Well, that actually happened.  I remember reading about a sequel to The Mask way back in the 90s.  It took them ten years to shit out a sequel and at that time Jim Carrey wasn’t interested in coming back.  I am certain it is because of the shit show that was Ace Ventura 2.  Anyway, the only thing I remember about this shitty sequel was the dance number.  The first movie had a really good number and we get to see this hand-me-down version.  It is so lame and stupid and seeing Jamie Kenndy’s stupid mug makes it even worse.   
BTW, the comments are great.  From 
Blitz Nimbus  This is the only part of the movie I liked and it’s still ass 
I feel bad for people who watch this. on behalf of this movie, I’m so sorry. 
This is the part where you Suffer. This is the part where you Die. THIS MOVIE MAKES CATS LOOK LIKE ENDGAME!!!!! IN OTHER WORDS THIS MOVIE SUCKS!!! 

 Now let's compare the number above with the original dance number.  It is much better.  

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