Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ruby Rose leaves Batwoman.

Ruby Rose leaves Batwoman.   
I tried watching a couple of episodes, but completely lost interest in the show.  It wasn’t meant for me.  I did like the Batman Beyond thing in the Crisis special though.   
I like Ruby Rose in some of her other roles.   I really don’t blame her for leaving the show.  Not only was she getting shit from the Tumblr committee for not being “gay enough” but she also got shit from the right-wing people as well.  Then, there is bad “woke” writing and the rating sinking every week.  You can also throw in the hard work of being on a weekly TV set being a problem for her.  Keep in mind she comes from Orange is the New Black where there were only 10-12 episodes and not 24 episodes.   
For Ruby, it seems she wasn’t happy with the location and the filming, and I agree.  I work on a job where I unhappy too and you need to do something about it before you get trapped.   
Now, that they're recasting the lead role, will the inclusive Tumblr crowd actually support the show and watch it?  

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