Friday, May 15, 2020

Fart face: Hmm Dust

Holy crap, I had completely forgotten about mmDust.  He was the douche bag that didn’t want to connect with his viewers and wanted a “lowkey god complex” with them.  He wanted to low down at his viewers like minions.  It is kind of funny watching the rest of the panel cringe he speaks.  Anyway, It’s a Gundam mentioned him in his recent video on Twitch Thots.  I wrote about mmDust back in 2018, but he left my pop-cultural memories.   
I checked his Twitch and he isn’t that terrible.  While he said some DSP and Wings level things in that panel, he just a normal Twitch streamer.  There does come a point when you should shut up.   Congrats, Twitter looks at Twitch and laughs.  
I just wanted to bring him up again.   

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