Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Drunk Streamer Fires Gun on Stream

That was f’ing stupid and you give gun owners a bad name.  But I did laugh at his reaction afterward.  He was probably more worried about his Twitch getting axed than someone getting hurt.   

I guess we live in a culture where people no longer use real work rules in their virtual workplaces.  You don’t bring your gun and beer to a regular 9-5.  Why would you get drunk and brandish a gun on your streaming job?  If this is how you make your coin, then take it seriously stop acting like a Zoomer.   When these people have to function in a real job, they are not going to know how to act.  

I have my issues with Twitch and their ban problems but Twitch rightfully gave him a ban.  Should they give him a lifelong ban?  Nope.  I’d say a month and just tell him to stop getting drunk on stream.   Anyway, check out his apology and follow up.  We all make stupid mistakes, but we just need to learn from them.  Treat your stream job like a real job and stop acting like an asshole.  

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