Saturday, April 04, 2020

Well, that didn’t age that well.

Given that Wil Wheaton has finally found his mojo with his CBS Trek show, I did some looking into his Kiwi Farms entry.  Someone posted that Wil with Bill Cosby in a Jell-O Pudding Pops Commerical.  I tried searching for the ad on YouTube, but can’t seem to find it.  However, I did dig up this little gem of Wil doing his Bill Cosby impression.   

I am not going to attack him that hard because this clip happened back in 2011.  And, I am shocked he uncovered a Bill Cosby sweater.   
Anyway, I will give Wil props for getting back to doing hosting duties and not as much SJW bullshit on Twitter.  He seems to be happier hosting than white knighting for certain people.   

 Not since Jarred has a company has a worse image problem.  

I have to wonder who he was threatening behind the scenes of this ad?  

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