Sunday, April 26, 2020

Stuber is stupid

My life will literally be better by not finishing it.  
Congrats, Stuber, I gave up on watching this movie after 15 minutes.  Despite being about to sit through some of the worst movies ever, I just could sit through this thing.    Kumail Nanjiani is one of the most annoying characters I've ever seen.  He is actually playing one of those beta dudes that pines over the hot girl hoping they would notice him.  Dave Bautista is very terrible as the tough-guy cop.  Bautista is great in the Guardians movies.  I just had to stop the movie and turn it off.  It is bland and stupid.   And, why does this movie feel like it fell out of 2008 instead of 2019?  Despite the Uber connection, it has that horrid 00s feel to it.  
So, goodbye, Stuber.   

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