Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Scam coronavirus testing drive-thru : Follow up

We made the national news with this scamming attempt.  The sheer nerve of these people to put an alleged scam like this in the open and do it in a black area.   
What I find annoying is they set up their sites in the poor black communities and taking advantage of the ill-informed.  Due to this scam popping up, the city of Louisville passed an order forbidding any group to operate a Corona site unless getting a written permit from Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness 
What is interesting is that the “president” of the company was overlooking the site.  How many sites did they set up before reaching Louisville?  Did the people that paid nearly 250 bucks get their results back?  If you want to prove you are not a scam, mail the results to the people that paid you money.  If you paid money to this company and you didn’t get your results, it might be time for a class-action lawsuit.  The problem is finding info on this group.   
I did some looking into the president and there is very little to find out about the guy or the company Community Outreach Marketing Group LLC.  They have a Facebook page, but I am unwilling to sign in to my FB account to check it out.  I can’t seem to find an official website though.   
Something tells me these guys will get away with their scam and will probably pop up somewhere else in another poor hood taking advantage of people's fears.  

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