Sunday, April 19, 2020

Looking back at Knocked Up...

I was watching Knocked Up and loving the movie.  However, it is clearly a product of the time (2000-2008).  There are references to Spiderman 3, palm pilots and To Catch a Predator.  I really liked Katherine Heigl in the lead role.  She is amazingly cute and charming as a professional woman but willing to put up with a slacker.  She would later attempt to distance herself by making remarks about her role in Knocked Up. She threw Rogen and Judd Apatow under the bus to get brownie points with the woke crowd.  Of course, this burned a lot of bridges and her career went downward.   
She did really bad movies like 27 Dresses, The Ugly TruthKillers.  When compared to Knocked Up.  I checked her lovely IMDB page and she is back to making TV shows after being too good for it.   
Anyway, she has a short film called Katherine Heigl Hates Balls on her page.  What the hell is this?  It is a Funny or Die video.  It is not that funny, but I get what they were doing.  She should have stuck with making those Apatow movies.   

BTW, Rogen and Kat have squashed the beef it seems.   

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