Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Rocky Rambo Wei Nam Kam Part 2

Sgt. Leah Terpsma: "For what? You're an animal." 
Rocky left the bodies piled up in the shower.  After the murders, Rocky allegedly took Mah-Jones's car and abandoned it at a nearby street.  He was also caught walking around town after the murders.   
Given the fact he pretty much raised himself and supported his awkwardness through videogames and comic books, I think Rocky has a skittish and warped view on life.  Instead of confronting the facts, he retreats into a child-like behavior.  When reality and facts hit him, he laughs and retreats.  It is sad to see a grown man behave in this manner.  These are where the similarities between Grant and Rocky seem to come from.   
Whenever the detective mentions the murders, he says, “I don’t want to talk about it” or “I have nothing to say”.   The laughing is also annoying as well.  He smacks his lips as he munches on snacks like a five-year-old.  It is sad and chilling at the same time.  I believe Sgt. Leah Terpsma did a pretty good job handling this man-child.  She gives him a motherly approach and tried to keep him focused.  Some people have given her shit for her approach, he would have shut down if they went after him harder.   
The local PD had a mountain of evidence on Rocky.  They had video and purchasing evidence of him buying the gloves, hatchet and hat.  Rocky had some blood from one of the victims on his glasses.  They had his DNA under the female victim's fingernails. Basically, she put up a fight.   
Rocky did feel any remorse for murdering these two elderly people.  This ass-wipe chuckled a bit as the prosecutor spoke during his trial.  The prosecutor confronted him about the chuckle and Rocky backed down.   
The defense let Rocky admit that he killed the couple.  However, the leaned into the Anita Sarkeesian defense that the videogames forced him into the murder.  It is a very weak defense because most info doesn’t support this notion.   
From Straight.com ((Kam's defence has argued that he had an addiction to video games and thought that he was actually in a video game when he attacked Jones and Mah-Jones.)) 
Because of the Corona outbreak, the verdict has been put on hold, so we won’t know the competition of the story.  While the death penalty is off the table due to this being in Canada, I hope he serves 20 years or more in prison.  The defense is hoping to put in a mental hospital.   
I still want to know why this happened?  

 The court artwork is a little strange.  Not the dude behind Rambo

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