Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Just keep f'ing up, Russ. Keep doing you.

I didn’t want to talk about our friend Rusty again, but damn he keeps f’ing up.  Not only does this fool have a case coming up, but he keeps harassing and thirsting over the ladies on social media.  The cave goblin needs to take a break from social media and work on himself.   

“Black Barbie?”  Really, Russ?  Being a black man, I understand you haven’t been around people of color, so I’ll let you in on something.  You don’t say that to a woman and certainly not a woman of color.  And, to say “My” as if she is your procession just leads to more intent on stalking, Russ.  She isn't your property, Rusty.  You want women to like you for what you are on the inside, but you are only giving them the creepy-dude vibes.  Do you want your cheerleader crush to block and report you?   
F’ it, Russ.  I hope you do go to jail again.  It might be better for you.  I apologize for the extra posts on this fiend, but he keeps pissing me off.  
 Words can't express the anger I am feeling.  

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