Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Games and Online Harassment Hotline (Crash Override Network II)

Why does this Games and Online Harassment Hotline seem so familiar?  Oh, yeah, this was Zoe Quinn’s failed Crash Override help site all over again.  During the height of Gamergate, Quinn, with the help of Fem Freq, build a website around the live support for people of online harassment.  There were actual people helping out, but the project died on the vine and no one talked about it.  When the Crash Override Network started, you couldn’t stop journos from talking about it.  When it died, no one discussed it.  Kind of like that Chuck Tingle game. The CON site is just sitting there gathering cobwebs.    
Oh, did I mention that Alex Lifschitz was associated with this site?  He’s come out as a bit of a creeper himself.  Hmm.   
 Good idea, poor planning?  

For me, I feel a little uneasy about this newest hotline thing.  People, remember that that was the Better Help controversy.  Are we using real therapists on the hotline to deal with issues?  Are we using saps with a phone?  What is the vetting process?  The fact that the gaming press hasn’t asked these questions themselves shows you the bias.  Why hasn't there been any mention of the hotline period with than a few posts here and there?  Is it because Anita has abandoned gaming again?  If you’re going to have a real hotline, you have to invest in real treatment and not automated replies.  The other issue is you brought in online carpetbagger Anita Sarkeesian.  As her channel and non-profit continue to flounder.  (She is still barely getting 1K views on most of her videos), she has taken it upon herself to get involved in this new venture.   
Is the company going to turn into a Better Help clone or a defunct site like Crash Override Network?   

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