I wrote about this lady ten years ago and she popped into my head. I am certain I am the only thinking about Mary Bale AKA the Cat Bin Lady. Speaking of trash, ten years ago, there was that viral video of an older lady being caught throwing a nice cute cat into a trash bin. People rightfully attacked her for a strange choice of doing such a strange act. Why would any grown person even bother doing such a thing?
Despite receiving fine for her stupid actions, she never understood why she did or the reasoning behind the outrage. In my opinion, she is such a strange woman.
The Guardian, (("I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly thought it would be funny to put it in the wheelie bin, which was right beside me. I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped. I expected it to wriggle out of the bin."))
How do you remotely find it funny to do such a thing? Are you so easily amused to bother a living creature and put the cat in danger? A dark sense of humor lady. I am certain she wouldn't find it funny if someone shoved her in a trash bin though I don't think she'd fit. More like a dumpster, lady.
Did I also mention the cat was trapped in the bin for 15 hours? That could have easily killed it. What a damn fool. So, what is this ugly person up to now? Is she still throwing cats into trash bins?