Monday, February 03, 2020

“ Uncut” Jeff Sokol Footage

This is a man full of Pizza and regret. 
A lot of the HvP stuff has been resurfacing.  One of my favorite predators is the Pizza Man himself, Jeff Sokol.  He was the douchebag that ate a pizza while Chris Hansen grills him.  The uncut footage is a bit awkward than the edited footage.  Especially, the interaction between Sokol and the decoy.  He seems more creepy than pathetic in the edited footage.   
There are more bits with him knowing full well there are cops waiting for him in the back.  He dismissively waves away the idea before getting arrested.  Sokol was one of the arrested new predators that wanted to fight the charges.  Every lawyer tried talking him into a plea deal.  Later, he was supposed to be released in 2018 but was pushed back to 2019.  I guess he was being an asshole in prison.  I believe he will be on the RSO listing for ten years.  BTW, he has his own Urban Dictionary entry.  
Yes, ladies, he IS single. He can be yours and you get a free pizza to boot. 
While it is funny to laugh at him, he was fully aware of what he was doing was illegal.  He still groomed the decoy anyway.  He made it even worse by quizzing her and making sure she wasn't law enforcement.   While he should be mocked, a lot, he doesn't need to be around teenage girls.  
And, the cops threw away the pizza. 

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