Friday, February 07, 2020

Still Staying classy, Russ.

 Found this on Kiwi Farms.  As you know, I follow our little turd-wrangler for a while now.  

Look, Rusty, you’re doing it all wrong.  I find it amazing that he keeps doing the wrong thing and expects different results.  He harasses women on social media and demands they talk to him.  When they block or ignore him, he gets angry and calls them bigots.   I am the most bitter and detached person on the planet and I am telling you that you’re wrong.  It is about attitude and how you carry yourself.  Women, good women, generally do look beyond looks. The other problem is Russ throws himself out there and begs for attention from women that are only 9s and 10s.  If you are a 5 or 6, he has no time for you.  Talk about double standards, Russ.   

By the way, my favorite Russ moment was when he got banned from Lyft because he harassed a female driver.  She reported him and they booted him from the service.  The fact he doesn’t understand why that was wrong is amusing to me.   
It is not about your looks or disability, Rusty.  It is your attitude.  Women can detect the aggressive vibe you put out there...your entitlement.  The fact you want to sue anyone that slights you in the least.  It is not your disability holding you back.  It is your shitty attitude.  Grow the f' up.  

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