Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Joshua Colon: The Uncut

Joshua Colon is one of the worse predators from the 2016 sting.  Unlike Sokol, who was a buffoon, Colon is an actual practicing sexual predator and admits to preying on other kids.  He has a serial killer vibe to him that makes me believe he’s probably done some other things to people.  Unlike some of the other ones, we know he’s been busy messing with kids and teenagers.  He also has this strange disconnect with reality.  He eats Chinese food as if he hasn’t been arrested for a crime.  He asked Hansen to use the restroom like he was a child.  Very strange.   Colon was also fully aware of who Chris Hansen was and recognizing him in the sting. 

It looks like prison hasn’t been that kind to him.  For most predators, it isn’t.  The prison has to keep them away from the general population.  Whenever you harm a child or a child predator, general prisoners want to harm you.  By 2019, our nasty plumber is out of prison.  From what I can tell, Colon has pretty much kept a low profile since his release.  That worries me.   

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