Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Brian Ruffino: Stupid dude

This guy cracks me up because he is more worried about his handcuffs than the bind he is in currently.  Did he get hit by the police when he left the sting house? Is that why he has that bump on his head?  Ruffino wasn’t as popular on the TCAP show, but his police interview gives us some great results.  He keeps his head down the entire time and mumbles to the detectives.  I also love how one of the detectives freaks out when he shuffles around in his cuffs.   
And, his password is “RU Molesting"”.  Really, dude?  Did I also mention that someone actually married this creep?  I am not sure if she is still married to him.   
By the way, this fool spent 18 months in prison back in 2007.  Nearly ten years later, he is back in prison for failure to register as a sex offender.  Check out his RSO profile.   
Ten years later, he is looking rough. 

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